
I hope you enjoy my blog. I will write from a wide range of subjects from politics to fashion to family and food. But, primarily I will share with you my most happy and sad moments of my life that I enjoy embracing and sharing.

Thursday, January 09, 2014

I am not Fat but Fabulous!

I am going to talk about a very sensitive topic...my weight gain. Yes I am going there. For the past four years I have been unable to lose weight. It didn't matter on my food intake or exercise I tried everything. Up until last year I kind of gave up. I didn't go to the gym at all did some walking. I am not sure what depression is but I think I may have gone through it. After being told by not one but two men who are a disgrace to the male race that lack respect for women, called me FAT! Yes. They did. It didn't hurt, I did try to understand why but I had to see beyond their name calling and realized that I DID GAIN WEIGHT.

I have a personal trainer that to be quite honest has not given up on me. She knows I am on the road and busy and she keeps me motivated. As I got home for my days events and my Gym workout at Golds Gym I have in my inbox a message from her. First I had to see this video:

Then she followed it with:

When you watch this video, it puts things into perspective. Everyone has their own story, their own goals, and own obstacles to overcome. His story is proof, that we cannot place limits on what we are capable of doing, because we often do not know our own potential. Neither Arthur, nor Dallas knew what he would go on to accomplish, but this video speaks for itself. In less than a year, Arthur completely transformed his life. If only he had known what he was capable of, 15 years earlier.

Do not waste any time thinking you are stuck - you can take control over your life, and change it faster than you might think.

You see I have so much self confidence and never in my life had I encountered someone calling me a name because of my weight. I guess people never mature. Oh and I did give him a piece of my mind.  But now, I am at a point where I need to challenge myself to finally overcome this challenge of weight loss. I used to be thin, a nice size 10 a 12 the most. Now, I am beyond a size 14. I never thought I would be in this place. It kinda is not a good feeling. I finally am going to make myself, my health a number one priority and I have to make it part of my priorities. It was easy for me to dismiss it for the past year but not anymore.

Oh and note to men: Please don't call women FAT or anything close to it. They don't deserve it. Plus, beauty is not defined by the pant size of a person. I know a lot of people who result to plastic surgery as their way of dealing with their weight. I refuse to do that. I want to work at it. But, its hard enough as it is so the name calling needs to stop.

I can't believe I just shared with you this little piece of me but I just couldn't hold it in anymore. This is my third attempt and I am determined to get back where I need to be.

Photos of me in Morocco 2009. The beginning of my weight gain immediately after a legislative session.

Since then this is the most recent pic of me to date as of November 30, 2013 and Dec 31, 2013.

Its not a full body but it will do for now. I will be posting before and after pics once I get my physical assessment done with my trainer after Jan. 13th, 2014. I will post a more decent before pic.  This is a journey for me but know that my spirit is happy, I am happy and I am determined. I got this. Know that if you are struggling with a challenge similar to mine, the hardest part is taking the first step towards a positive change. Trust me, it will get better. It takes one person to believe in you, let it be you.

Peace & Love


  1. You go,Mari!!! U r beautiful! God bless you!!!

  2. I believe in you Mari. You are a strong, powerful, witty Latina! Use your strength and self-motivation to seen the end result. From personal experience I can relate to your story. Find something you like doing...in my case it was running (which is the fastest way to weight loss). I will be running my 2nd marathon next month because I didn't give up on my goal and I know you won't either. échale ganas!!!

  3. Thank you both! You have no idea - this is really challenging. I just did a weigh in yesterday and must say the challenge just got interesting. Goal is to lose 50 pounds. I am determined and excited all in one. Thank you for your support, you don't know how important it is for me. Everyone needs a cheerleader thank you! Stay tuned though and Manuel, maybe I will join you in a marathon one day!
