
I hope you enjoy my blog. I will write from a wide range of subjects from politics to fashion to family and food. But, primarily I will share with you my most happy and sad moments of my life that I enjoy embracing and sharing.

Thursday, May 01, 2014

Changing your life for RECOVERY!

One of my biggest challenges has been weight loss. It never really has been a challenge because I was a pretty good decent weight, I am gorgeous and fabulous! LOL. But as I got older consumed with love of job and a new career I gained weight. I lost sight of my priority - ME. I started 2014 on a health challenge not just for a month or two but forever. My short term goal is to lose 50lbs by the end of the year. I have lost 7lbs but that is about it. I got a trainer but I have stopped that in March because of my interesting things that have popped up in my life, like a trip to Washington D.C. to hang out with President Obama and the Valor24 families.

As I am visited my parents in South Texas as did one of my older bros from West Texas. He shared something with me and my sister. A movie that inspired him to gain control of his life, weight and reboot his body. 

I strongly encourage you to check this website out on "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead." This trailer below is about 5 minutes long but I promise its straight and to the point.

Now, many of you have been asking is juicing safe? What is juicing? How do you juice? Well, first of all you need to inquire you medical doctor before you proceed just to make sure. Then you need a juicer, and your vegetables and fruits. I am in a transition phase, I have incorporated one juice to replace one meal a day. I already portion my meals and well, my alcohol habits have been changed. Something I am very proud of.  Now, this trailer is just five minutes. I strongly encourage you to watch the full movie. It is on Netflix. Watch it on your ipad, iphone, TV whatever but DO IT! I promise you, you will have an understanding and I hope will change your mind about the way you eat. 

After watching this video that my brother really encouraged has motivated me to do the full 10 days. I am glad to say that I am starting a recovery and I am going to reboot my body. For those who know me, know that I do have some weird food allergies and a very sensitive stomach.  So this experience is something I am really looking forward to doing. It's a 10 day juicing body detox. I am excited, I know it will not be easy but hey I have conquered far worse than juicing for 10 days. 

CHEERS to continuing to enjoy a new health lifestyle! :-) and do not worry, I will keep you posted. I will try to document my 10 days through one blog post a day. 

I just had to write and share this with you. Maybe you can join in on the fun and change your life for the best. Your body will thank you. 

Peace and Love. 

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