
I hope you enjoy my blog. I will write from a wide range of subjects from politics to fashion to family and food. But, primarily I will share with you my most happy and sad moments of my life that I enjoy embracing and sharing.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Carpe Diem Y'all!

A lot has happened to me since my last post. I lost my paternal grandmother, where I know she is with my grandfather in heaven. They were a big part of my life. My parents instilled in me great love for family and not having them around sure has tested my strength but I can affirm to you today that I grow stronger each day knowing that the Lord has taken them, they are now at peace and they loved me very much.

Prior to departing home to be with family while grandma was ill, I came across an elderly couple. I noticed that they looked puzzled and were trying to figure something out. My normal self decided to reverse and ask if they needed a ride. They were so delighted and I became their chauffeur; I was quite happy to be it. Seeing their smile on their face of such peace and thankfulness I knew God sent me into their path. As I waited for them in the parking lot, I couldn't help but notice that I had tears running down my face.  You see that day, God reminded me that He does Live in each and every one of us. Towards the end of my adventure with this couple, I decided to drop them off at their home because it was the least I could do and it was only 101 degrees Texas weather. In conversation they told me that as they stood deciding in the parking on what bus to take to the post office and which bus ride on the return home that would have them home in time for bible study...They said "Lord how would we do it?" Jesus heard their prayers and sent me. 

That same day earlier, I had asked God to show me His Love. I needed His comfort and I needed to know that He was with me and that I was going to be okay.  I don't expect everyone to understand my experience because this was my special experience and encounter. But, what I do wish is that there is a Greater Being in this world we live in and He has a Son that I love with all my heart.   After that I got notice to return home that my grandmother was not well. I am glad I was able to spend some time home even though it was difficult. I prayed for strength in me so that my family could get through the ceremonies. Grandmas funeral was much more a celebration of a life well lived. 

Everyday since then, my faith has grown stronger. I continue to praise Him for all my blessings, misfortunes, joys and sadness. Just yesterday I had a feeling I had to visit the elderly couple I had given a ride to. They had told me I was always welcome to their home. After my afternoon workout, I felt the need to take them some groceries. Upon arriving, after a few door knockings, I found their home. The lady seemed very delighted to see me and her husband was still trying to figure out how he knew me. Once they both remembered their faces were priceless. I felt compelled to see how they were and turns out they were not well.  The lady had an accident and because of language barriers it was very difficult for her to articulate to her employer what has been happening to her at work. I am fortunate enough to know a lot about laws and know a few attorneys that I can call on speed dial. For all they know, they think I am a cleaning lady :-) I kinda like that.  But, I think visiting them made me more aware that I need to put my trust completely in our Lord, Jesus Christ and He affirmed to me my calling is exactly what I know it is. Follow through on my passion is on my list and I am so determined to fulfill it in the next three years. 

God plays so many tricks and jokes on me but more importantly He gives me life lessons that are priceless and that my parents can't give me. Yesterday, I learned to just not give thanks to Him but to learn to pray for the things that I want and need. He listens and although I always knew He did, I just never asked Him for anything wholeheartedly. It is so comforting to know that His Love is not just for me is Grand but it is the same Love He wants you to experience and have.

I am so thankful to have such a foundation of faith from my parents and learned through my grandparents because my strength comes from their love of God and trust in Him. For the first time in my life I know what it truly means to be a daughter of Christ and for that, I can truly seize each day with confidence!

I just had to share this special moment in my life with you. Despite whatever obstacle or hardship you may be going through be it financial, friendships, relationships learn to leave your worries with Him and trust that He will hear your prayers. 

Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. John 14

Peace & Love

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