
I hope you enjoy my blog. I will write from a wide range of subjects from politics to fashion to family and food. But, primarily I will share with you my most happy and sad moments of my life that I enjoy embracing and sharing.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter 2014

Three years ago my family lost my Grandfather De Leon on Easter Sunday 2012.  It was very hard on me and for some of my family members. None the less, I was overcome with Peace of Heart that day. Didn't quite feel the pain or had time to mourn. Since his death, I have my moments. I have thoughts of how if possible things could be different. This year I was reminded that I should rejoice his death as I should rejoice for Jesus resurrection.

This Easter was more meaningful for me. That is not to say it never was but for me it was just different. As I sit here today I can't help but remember something of the many few conversations my Grandfather and I had. They were beautiful moments and memories. I will never forget.  As I remembered my memories with him, I was drawn to how I have two grandmothers left, my maternal and paternal grandmothers. Both of them wonderful women with their distinct personalities. Both of them are very traditional and very conservative women, but I must say I laugh more with my Grandma Q. She gets my humor, my sarcasm and my sillyness :-) I just love her lots!

Easter at Grandma Q's house can't be expressed in words - we are just a crazy-fun bunch! I love each and every one of my aunts and uncles. Yesterdays Easter was the first time I had laughed so much. We are still a very much traditional family where the men are kings in my grandmothers home. As a Christian woman, my husband will be treated the same. Even though I am a very independent woman, I will submit myself to my husband as that is what the Lord calls on wives to do. I have great parents and an amazing mother so I will not have a problem in that area. None the less, Easter is my most favorite day of the year. For me it is the day Jesus has Risen! God is Alive! The beginning of a new life and my chance to continue to follow Him all the days of my life. I am one blessed little lady and I can't help to share with the world how much Love I have for Him and how thankful I am to God for letting His only Son die on the cross to save me for my sins. Thank Jesus! I love you :-)

Hope everyone has had a blessed weekend and wish nothing but the best for you and your families.

Peace and Love!

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