
I hope you enjoy my blog. I will write from a wide range of subjects from politics to fashion to family and food. But, primarily I will share with you my most happy and sad moments of my life that I enjoy embracing and sharing.

Friday, May 09, 2014

9th day of Juicing

Alright you are probably wondering how I am doing. Glad to report I am still here and feeling really good and lighter. Throughout my impromptu adventure I took on with my sister on juicing I may have lapsed twice but it was good for me. My mind has a new way of thinking about food. I never thought I would put to use the juicer my mother gave me a year a go to all the use I have put it under in the past 9 days. As mothers day is approaching I am looking forward to enjoying some nice homemade BBQ, as per mothers request.

Advice I can give you. When you decide to make this step or decision about changing how you eat make sure you are fully committed to it. Doing things half ass, {excuse my language} is probably not going to yield the intended results of juicing. You should also include 30min walks or jogs or cardio workout into it as well.  Oh and don't forget to drink PLENTY of WATER! That is a def must. Be ready to be going to restroom lots.

Question is would I do this again? Yes I most definitely will. I think that I have gained a lot of understanding out how to use our fruits and vegetables to keep our stomach clean and healthy. Did I experience some weight loss? Honestly, I didn't weigh myself nor was that my number one goal. I wanted to simply clean my stomach of dirty toxins to be able to start a new healthy plan the right way. But to each their own.

I encourage you to watch the movie I mentioned in my previous post and I wish you nothing but success in all that you do. When you are happy, everyone around you is happy. At least that is my motto.

Have a great day!

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